Conference Call (2021)

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CONFERENCE CALL is a collective listening experience and sensuous encounter initiated by Londs Reuter and stormy budwig with live captioning support by Cory Dostie. Join the CONFERENCE CALL for a score-driven practice session designed by and for those of us tired of watching our bodies on Zoom; by and for those of us who crave time that isn’t governed by a computer. Turn your camera off, keep your microphone on, and follow the sound of my voice. Each session is limited to 12 people. 

You are welcome to join from a computer or a phone, by logging in or dialing in. You can be in a private or public space, in one room or on the go. We only ask that you remain unmuted for the duration of the call. Let the sound waft in and sense someone else's environment. This is an experiment. It will last 60 minutes.

Conference Call: May 2, 2021

A transcript of this event is available at this link.

Conference Call: May 9, 2021

A transcript of this event is available at this link.

Conference Call: May 16, 2021

A transcript of this event is available at this link.

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Event hosted by Center for Performance Research

Captioning provided by Cory Dostie